The Competitive Environment Diagnostics In The Animal Husbandry Products Market

  • Ludmila M. Stepasyuk, Krystyna P. Dramaretska, Zoia M. Titenko, Nataliia D. Babiak


           It is revealed that in the process of agricultural production between economic entities certain economic relations are established, which in essence is a set of different elements of a market economy. The beef cattle industry, as an integral part of the national economy, is being developed under the objective laws of the market. An important role in this process is played by competition, which determines the dynamic development of economic processes and is closely linked to price, demand and supply.It is substantiated that for the effective development of beef cattle there is a need for the application of integration technologies, which involve the integration of economic, organizational, technological, labour and intellectual potentials of their participants, which are provided based on mechanism of self-financing and attracting investment resources for new high-efficiency industries.

How to Cite
Ludmila M. Stepasyuk, Krystyna P. Dramaretska, Zoia M. Titenko, Nataliia D. Babiak. (2020). The Competitive Environment Diagnostics In The Animal Husbandry Products Market . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 2551 - 2558. Retrieved from