Investigation of relations between socio- economic parameters and Spine Diseases

  • Meeth Handa Siddharth Samarth Viren Oswal Shrihari Oze,


This project focuses on using data analysis methods and algorithms of machine learning to recognize the patterns that may lead to diagnoses of spinal conditions. Say for example, in rural places, farmers are known to teach their sons to tend to crops and carry out chores the same way that they do and their ancestors did, so when the father develops a spinal condition, it is almost inevitable that the son will too. In order to foresee and solve this, we can use spinal conditions datasets to predict which lifestyles/accidents cause which spinal cord injuries (SCI’s).

How to Cite
Meeth Handa Siddharth Samarth Viren Oswal Shrihari Oze,. (2020). Investigation of relations between socio- economic parameters and Spine Diseases. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 2452 - 2458. Retrieved from