Current Trends of The Global Process Of Innovative Indicators System Formation Of Transnational Corporations

  • Tetiana F. Larina, Vadym A. Tkachuk, Andrii S. Blahodatnyi, Halyna I. Kupalova, Borys O. Yazluk


The article is devoted to the analysis of modern innovative strategies of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the conditions of financial and economic transformations of the world market and the process of becoming a new technological entity, describes the characteristics of modern scientific and technological models of activity of structural units of TNCs and their branches, features of the creation and functioning of international strategic alliances in the innovation sphere.

How to Cite
Tetiana F. Larina, Vadym A. Tkachuk, Andrii S. Blahodatnyi, Halyna I. Kupalova, Borys O. Yazluk. (2020). Current Trends of The Global Process Of Innovative Indicators System Formation Of Transnational Corporations. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 2399 - 2407. Retrieved from