Employee Engagement and its Impact on organizational Success - A Study with reference to IT Firms in OMR (Chennai)

  • B.Mubina , Dr.R.V.Suganya


Employee Engagement is that the devotion, passion of staff and effective leadership skills with support from the highest management to the staff. Human resource leaders set the drive and creed of their company and unfold that positive morale to the staff within the company. Worker Engagement is that the level of employee’s commitment and participation towards their organization and its values. The Organizational success depends on employee’s productivity that is accelerated through employee’s commitment towards his organization. This paper is tried to investigate the connection of engaged staff for the expansion and development of organization and its success. During this study in associate IT Company, the factors causative towards productivity and its overall impact on the organization is measured through the information collected by means of form. The most objective of the study was to investigate and interpret the impact of worker engagement on success of the corporate mistreatment each primary, secondary knowledge. The study uses to live worker engagement with suggestive conclusions.

How to Cite
B.Mubina , Dr.R.V.Suganya. (2020). Employee Engagement and its Impact on organizational Success - A Study with reference to IT Firms in OMR (Chennai). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 1219 - 1222. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/11895