Plug in Electrical Vehicle Supported Maximum Demand Control For Shopping Malls

  • S.Divyapriya, Govindaraj V, Fleshiya Rajakumari


Every electrical appliances need electricity to perform their duties. Consumption of energy is defined as power, and unit is watts/VA. Every primary distribution system (Bulk consumers) install maximum amount of loads. In this research work considering one shopping mall for experiment. The maximum demand plays major roles for electricity tariff at each month. Many bulk consumers using maximum demand controller module for in order to avoid penalty amount in electricity bill, but during maximum demand event the non-critical loads will get shut off and critical loads allow to run as usual. During non-critical load continuous on/off situation it will produces surges. In parking connected Electrical Vehicles will support particular time duration during maximum demand time. Microcontroller doing proper decision making process.

How to Cite
S.Divyapriya, Govindaraj V, Fleshiya Rajakumari. (2020). Plug in Electrical Vehicle Supported Maximum Demand Control For Shopping Malls. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 306 - 310. Retrieved from