Cyber Security and Its Importance Due to Continuous Increase of Digital Transactions in COVID Era
The world today is greatly affected in all ways due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown situation in many parts of the world as the result of the disease outbreak necessitated people to adopt digital payment methods in many sectors. An increased number of transactions are being carried out through the use of credit and debit cards. Several different contactless payment methods have emerged. This digital payment method also creates an increase in the number of cybercriminals. This necessitates stringent cybersecurity methodologies to protect the people. In recent years the use of public cloud services by both the general public and businesses are on the rise and this approach poses many security breaches to proliferate. Every business is likely to exchange sensitive data with customers, suppliers, and other businesses. This results in several cybersecurity-related aspects namely trust and data protection in different sectors. The technological advancements namely the Internet of Things in which all devices are connected to the Internet are supposed to pose several security-related problems shortly where the number of digital payments will be increased. This paper presents the importance of cybersecurity techniques which is very essential because of the increase in the number of digital transactions carried out in the COVID era.