Digital Marketing And Its Impact On Purchase Decision
Digital marketing is defined as the purchase, sale and promotion of services and products through information or computer network via the Internet. Online retailers sell a large number of items such as white goods and electronics equipments. In emerging models, insubstantial assets such as knowledge, relationships, brands, people and organizations come to the fore. The current study seeks to understand the influence of digital marketing such as email marketing and mobile marketing on car purchases in Chennai. Data was collected from 50 car owners in Chennai city through convenience sampling technique. Data analysis is done through path analysis. The analysis identified that there is influence of dimensions of purchase decision such as e-mail marketing and mobile marketing on purchase decision towards car. The analysis also identified that there is influence of purchase decision on consumers’ satisfaction towards car. It is also identified that there is influence of dimensions of purchase decision such as e-mail marketing and mobile marketing on customers’ satisfaction with respect to purchase decision towards car. Hence, the researcher concluded that the relationship between car manufacturers and distributors can also develop marketing strategies and purchasing decision indicators. This is because marketing has a major influence on customer satisfaction with the purchase decision.