Improved Route Selection Algorithm for Quality of Service Aware Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (QoS-DSR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Now a day’s, due to the popularity of portable computers and the increasing demands of users to access computing services in a better way an alternative way of network service access is required. Thus mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the alternatives to achieve this requirement by proving infrastructure less services with self-configuring and reduced cost set up capably. Due to the raped growing rate of multimedia applications (voce, video) n MANETs, quality of service (Quos) support has also grown up to be supplementary and more important. Particularly, Quos related with latency s very interesting, because latency is the most catcall Quos metrics n mobile ad hoc networks manly for delay sensitive applications. In this paper, we study the performance of two route selection metrics, and compare them against minimum hop-count “shortest path” routing. The first route selection metric is based on “recent-short path”, whereas the second one is based on “recent path”. The proposed RS-DSR and R-DSR routing protocols are simulated using Network Simulator-2.35 and comparisons are made to analyze its performance based on packet delivery rate, normalized routing overhead, and average end to end delay for different network scenarios.