An Enhanced Iot Security For New Born Baby Using Wban With Zigbee Techniques
In Recent Decades, Medical Field has grown gradually with the digital information world. Today we can buy all types of medical tablets and surgical instruments online for the hospital. These proposed works consist of four phases. Initially focused on IoT Concept, a paired device with RFID are tagged with mother and baby, in order to monitor mother, baby heart rate, pressures which are connected with the internet. It also used to protect the child from the theft in the hospital. This research work used to transmit the information about the particular child, mother information for the particular hospital using the LEACH Algorithm to avoid the transmission delay in terms of Quality of Services. Finally used to determine the process posture based routing protocol used to compare the complexity, delay, and energy level in terms of cost minimization. This Proposed work will be effective and efficient in monitoring the child-mother physical health, avoid the theft of child from the hospital and also the network slicing of information transmitted to WBAN.