Digital Scheduling and Management System of Lectures in Educational Institutions
The old traditional way of keeping records needs heavy paperwork and maintaining the same. Creating a timetable on paper and managing it according to the availability of the mentors is difficult. The use of an algorithm for generating the schedule automatically can be beneficial. This paper proposes a general solution to the timetabling problem. This solution, however, works in a way where mentor availability for a given time slot is prioritized first. A timetable has defined period lengths. It additionally has specific subjects for each period. Hence, it allows admins to distribute sufficient resources to most curriculum parts. Organizing a good timetable is such that important subjects must be at the best times. While all the hard limitations (e.g., availability of mentors) are solved thoroughly, the primary aim of the solution presented in this paper is to solve the issue of clashes of periods and subjects, applicable to mentors.