Review on Lean Manufacturing Elements in Manufacturing Industries
Lean manufacturing is an area of interest for academicians, industrialists and practitioners since it improves the competitiveness of manufacturing industries. In today’s competitive world, manufacturing industries are emerging at an incredible rate and performance enhancement becomes a significant strategy to accomplish and sustain growth. In this aspect, identification of best practices to assess lean manufacturing is important. The original equipment manufacturers are making newline compulsions to their suppliers to continuously increase quality and to implement newline Lean Manufacturing tools and techniques as per their volume of production. This newline has created new perspectives and pressure on the small and medium-sized newline enterprises for production of quality products. Many quality concepts and tools are newline available and are used for quality improvements, such as Lean Manufacturing, Six newline Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, etc. newline Lean practices are the recent methods of managing the business and are based on newline the principles of waste management while maximizing quality and flexibility. The newline main aim of the research is the development of Lean Practice Model for Small and newline Medium Scale Manufacturing Enterprises. In this paper we have prsented a deep review on the development of Lean Practice Model for Small and newline Medium Scale Manufacturing Enterprises in the state of Gujarat, India.