Compact Spiral Shaped Multiband Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch antenna for Wireless Applications
A novel, frequency reconfigurable rectangular spiral-shaped patch antenna for UHF, L, S and C band wireless applications is presented. The projected reconfigurable antenna is able to operate at nine frequency bands 0.878-0.895, 1.33-1.37, 1.75-1.84, 2.14-2.29, 2.665-2.85, 2.71-2.85, 3.43-3.77, 4.71-5.16, 4.76-5.22 GHz. Rogers RT5880 substrate material with and thickness h =1.6 is used between radiating element and ground. By adding different strips, the radiating element changed into a rectangular spiral shape. Frequency reconfigurable is accomplished by integrating a PIN diode into a spiral arm. The proposed antenna displays VSWR of less than two, low return loss with appreciable gain, directivity and efficiency over desired frequency bands.