Energy Skilled Hierarchical Routing Protocol for detecting and minimizing holes in wireless sensor networks
Now-a-days, the WSN is an important concept for wide range of applications. There are group of nodes presents in the sensor field and it can perform the communication wirelessly. Every node of energy consumption differs from other nodes. In WSN, the energy hole is an essential issue. The energy holes firstly affect the sink region in the sensor node, so the data transmission failure will occur. The holes are occurring in nearby sink node compare to other nodes. Consequently, it will minimize the expected lifetime of a sensor network. In this article we have proposed ECHD (Energy Competent Hole Detection) a cluster-based algorithm for detecting holes. For minimize the elongated track routes the periodic re-clustering was used. In the proposed energy-efficient algorithm, every cluster head energy was compared with the threshold. When the head of the cluster had a power level equal to the threshold, the cluster head would advertise as a routing hole. The simulation results proved that the performance of the proposed technique is better than the existing techniques.