The Role of Parents in Forming Morality Adolescents Puberty in Globalization Era
The era of globalization has a big impact on various sectors of human life without exception on the aspects of children's moral development, plus the age of adolescents who are vulnerable to the influence of the surrounding environment, for that the role of parents is the most important foundation in maintaining and developing children's morals towards a better direction. This study aims to describe how the role of parents in shaping adolescent morals. The method used is qualitative, the research site is on the south coast of West Sumatra Indonesia, the research sources are adolescents, parents and the village government. Data is obtained through observation, interviews and documentation studies, research data is analyzed interactively. From the research results it is known that parents have a role in shaping adolescent morals seen in the family environment, where parents carry out their role as carers, shelter, mentors, role models and motivators. The implication of this research is that the busyness of parents in carrying out daily tasks must still set aside time to pay attention to children's moral development, the era of globalization has many negative impacts on children's moral development, for this reason parental guidance, guidance and supervision of children is an alternative in anticipating children. the bad influence of the use of technological devices.