Report On Rare Occurrence Of Endangered Chilean Devil Ray, Mobula Tarapacana, (Philippi, 1893) From Cuddalore Waters, Southeast Coast Of India
The Chilean devil ray also identified as the box ray or sickle fin devil ray is a species of ray in the family Mobulidae. In worldwide, it is found in tropical and subtropical oceans and mostly presented in offshore, only infrequently emerging in near the coast. A single female specimen of Chilean devil ray occurrence was noted from Annankoil fish landing centre, Parangiepttai, Cuddalore waters, Southeast coast of India during August 2019. Based on the key identification characters like Strong bony ridge present along dorsal mid-line; caudal fin without spine the specimen was identified as Mobula tarapacana. The morphometric and meristic characters of the recorded specimen is also described. However previously this species has been recorded from the limited areas around the world along with this the extension range distribution of this species to this Coromandel coastal region is fully discussed here.