Investigation of the Drying Process in a Multistage Shelf Device: Program Realization of a Theoretical Model
This paper describes a search for an optimal organization of the drying agent motion in the convection dryers. An overview of the main methods on how to reduce the energy consumption for the convection drying of the disperse materials is presented. The use of the multistage shelf apparatuses with a differential thermal regime for the convection drying of the disperse materials is justified. The work contains the results of a computer modeling on determining the drying temperature and moisture characteristics with the use of various methods of the organization of the drying agent motion. The model is realized implementing the author’s software product Multistage Fluidizer®. The software product enables to automatize calculation simultaneously by several optimization criteria and to visualize calculation results in the form of 3D images. The engineering computation of sectioning devices methodology with fluidized bed of particles is based on the calculation results. The automated calculations results give a base to design industrial drying device with a differential thermal regime.