Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Attitude towards e-learning, A review
Learning is a process of achieving knowledge, skills, values and ability to make decisions which leads to behavioral changes. As we know the present era is an era of technology, we are moving from the physical to virtual world and technology is playing an important role in the development of education all over the world. E-learning is an effective way of learning by using electronic devices like cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets etc. The aim of this review study is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and attitude towards e-learning among the learners, how emotional intelligence impact the attitude of the learner towards e-learning and how e-learning is assisting learning in a effective manner. E-learning is an effective approach of learning which mitigate the digital divide, enhance the learning ability, cost effective, learning at anytime, anywhere and with any background, time saving and enhance teaching learning process. In this paper it is revealed that emotional intelligence has positive relation with attitude of the learner towards e-learning based on the previous studies.