To Study The Role Of Modern Technologies
This present paper examines role of modern technologies on student’s achievement. A sample of 104 students was collected. Of them 73 female and 31 male. Modern technology inventory developed by Anup kumar Das and Sanjaya Mishra (2016) was used for data collection. Data were collected by using the questionnaire from which contains 14 items to check on the basis of modern technologies level modern technology inventory developed by the finding of the paper revealed that there was significant difference seen in the student’s achievement level among students with respect to their gender and location. Female were found more achievement as compared to male. The students who living in rural area are found more achievement level as compared urban students. In addition, there was significant difference seen in the modern technologies among students with respect to their gender. It means females have good achievement. There was significant difference seem in the modern technologies of students with respects to their location.