IOT Based Smart Street Light Management System
Automated maintenance of street lights IOT device conserves electricity by minimizing energy Wastage of electricity and reduction of workers. Lights on the lane are the basic part of every town, as it makes the night easier visions, safe roads and public exposure, but it is consuming The electricity is reasonably high. In the streetlight manual Device is operated with full power from sunset to sunrise Also when enough light is available. Strength That strength. Wastage can be stopped automatically by turning off lights. The for other uses such as saved resources can be effectively used residential, industry, transport, etc. This is possible. Using the streetlight control system enabled by IOT. The draft uses the non consumed Light Emission Diodes (LEDs). Big electricity to replace electricity usage Temporary HID lamps. Enables LED lights with LDR Variation of intensity that with HID lamps is infeasible. As LEDs are directional light sources that can be used to emit light.This enhances the direction of street light efficiency. This is what we are talking about. A further temperature-humidity system includes DHT11 Sensor. - Sensor. This guarantees the exact humidity and temperature of a relevant field. DHT11 is a composite sensor with a Temperature and humidity calibrated digital signal production. It guarantees great long-term stability and reliability. This is what we are talking about. Research is carried out with an Arduino board programmed Provision at different times of the appropriate light intensity. The work suggested has obtained better results than the System already in operation.