Strength and Durability Studies on Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Marble Dust as Partial Replacement of Cement
Adjustments to traditional mix designs and the use of super plasticizers create this concrete that can meet flow performance requirements. Use of dangerous manufacturing wastes in concrete construction will leads to greener environment. This paper presents the viability of the replacement of waste marble powder for cement and steel fibres to attain economy and surroundings saving. The self-compacting concrete is ideal to be used for casting heavily reinforced sections or be placed where there can be no access to vibrators for compaction and in complex shapes of formwork which may otherwise be impossible to cast, giving a far superior surface to conventional concrete. Self-compacting concrete, also referred to as self-consolidating concrete, is able to flow and consolidate under its own weight and is deaerated almost completely while flowing in the formwork. It is cohesive enough to fill the spaces of almost any size and shape without segregation or bleeding. This makes SCC particularly useful wherever placing is difficult, such as in heavily-reinforced concrete members or in complicated work forms.This study aims to focus on the possibility of using partial replacement of Marble dust and steel fibres in self compacting concrete (SCC) for M30 Grade prepared using additives of super plasticizer and viscosity modifying agent. The fresh and hardened properties in SCC (M30) are studied in laboratory experiments by replacing cement by using steel fibre of 0.2% by weight of concrete and marble dust with varying percentage of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and100%. There is an enlarge in the strength of the concrete fashioned from waste marble powder as partial replacement of cement.