Political Sentiment Analysis Using Social Media Data: A Case Study
Social network has provided a large platform for online communication and interaction. In the last
recent years, it has gained much more popularity then traditional Television. Users around the world
spend ample amount of time on social media, sharing post, tweets, videos and discussing political and
social events around. This popularity has attracted numbers of spammer that are responsible for
generating contents, redistributing of such contents, which in general we can say automating human
activities with bot amplifier. The consequences of these kind of activities has resulted in spreading
rumors, havoc in social and public life. Bots are used in social media to provoke trending topics and
spread a message in social media to favor a situation or to misrepresent the counterparts. This paper
discusses few political events as case study. Impact of social media on these events is investigated
based on available literature. In addition to this, possibility of adoption of sentiment analysis
techniques is explored in order to track the same. Further, classification of causal factor in such
events, i.e. human or bot is studied.