Legal Aspects of Consumer Protection and the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices from the Perspective of Producer-Consumer Relationships in Indonesia
The producer-consumer relationship is basically a relationship that is dependent, meaning that producers
cannot independently produce goods without thinking about how to market them. Likewise, on the other
hand, consumers cannot just assume that because they have money, they are free to make choices, in this
case what does it mean that there is money if there are no goods. So it is necessary to balance the
relationship between producers and consumers. The principle of partnership between producers and
consumers absolutely needs each other and as a consequence, each of them has rights and obligations
based on law. The research objective was to determine how the legal aspects of consumer protection and
the prohibition of monopolistic practices from the perspective of producer-consumer relations in
Indonesia. The research method used is normative juridical research. The result of the research is that
the legal aspects of consumer protection from the perspective of the relationship between producers and
consumers in Indonesia, in this case the legal aspect of the relationship between producers and
consumers lies in the partnership relationship between producers and consumers. Law Number 8 of 1999
concerning Consumer Protection is seen as a system of legal protection for consumers. Consumer
protection is needed in the field of economic activity, especially in the production and distribution of
goods or services. The legal aspect of the prohibition of monopolistic practices from the perspective of
producer-consumer relations in Indonesia, in this case Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition
of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, defines monopoly as control over the
production and or marketing of goods and or the use of certain services by one business actor or a group
of business actors. The impact of this monopolistic practice is the existence of unfair competition which is
detrimental to the public interest (consumers).