An Experimental Investigation on Strength Properties of Recron 3s Fiber and Sisal Fiber
The aggregates both coarse and fine are bonded together by cement and mixed with water to form concrete. Fiber reinforced concrete is of high strength compared to normal concrete and also reduces the cracks due to shrinkage. Each type of fiber has its characteristic properties and limitations. Some of the fibers that could be used are Recron 3S Fiber, polypropylene, steel, nylon, asbestos, coir, glass, carbon fibers, etc. In this investigation we are using Recron 3S fiber and Sisal fiber. The advantage of Recron 3S fiber is to increase the compressive strength and tensile strength. Sisal fiber is one of the most widely used natural fibers and it can be easily harvested. The advantage of sisal fiber is high specific strength. Strength and durability are the important properties of sisal fiber. In this present investigation workability, strength properties of concrete with Recron 3S fiber and Sisal fiber in different proportions of 0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% The workability parameters of M30 grade of concrete using flow test, slump cone test and compaction factor test. The strength parameters of M30 grade of concrete using Compressive strength test, Flexural strength test and Split tensile strength test. For strength parameters, each grade of concrete for each proportion, cubes and beams are casted for 7days, 14 days and 28 days.