Empirical Study on Human Capital Management on Employees Impact on Knowledge management in IT Companies in Chennai
Human capital management is the conglomeration of human resources and their skill talents, ability, knowledge by implementing with the help of proper education, training and development of employees on knowledge awareness and its application for effective productive performance of business. Human capital management is aimed at the capabilities, abilities of employees attractiveness and their talented knowledge management effectiveness of business. Human capital managements work out for producing generating talented workforce continuously in a processed way and retain their for-business process and development.
The growth, development as well knowledge management of IT companies is to derive and develop knowledge management of human resources with the strategy of human capital management in IT companies. The main aim and purpose of this research study is to understand the impact of human capital management in IT companies with the effective use of the IT employees knowledge management. The human capital management in IT companies is to generate better knowledge manageable human resources for the IT companies productivity and profitability performance. The present study focused on human capital management and their impact on knowledge management of IT companies in Chennai environ. This is attempted to see the utility and estimate the positive and negative effects of human capital management coupled with knowledge management of IT companies in Chennai City.