A Real And Accurate Energy Efficient Manetdesign With Link Vector Routing Protocol
In mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless communication and their links are playing an important key role. The primary function of MANET is offering communication facility between nodes without any involvement of centralized architecture. Therefore in MANET, every node operates not only like a host but also as a router. Mobile ad-hoc networks and their nodes change their behaviour dynamically, a central part of MANET functionality depending on energy efficiency, multiple path access, data routing and intermediate traffic. The energy consumption diminishes network efficiency as well as topological Speed of operations. Because of this network lifetime decreases exponentially. In MANET due to dynamic environment, energy-efficient routing protocols are essential factors. So in this research, a vector routing protocol (VRP) model is proposed to crossover the above limitations and makes the MANET network reliable. VRP is a novel multipath energy-efficient protocol, and it can reduce the packet loss, node failure and providing the alternative network links. The proposed VRP MANET design is implemented on NS2 software and identifying the packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, packet drop, throughput and energy consumption at various time intervals. These metrics are more improved compared to earlier algorithms.