Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Over A Stretching Surface With Nonlinear Radiation Effect: Numerical Study
This article explores impact of nonlinear thermal radiation on a two dimensional, steady, incompressible water based hybrid nanofluid flow past a permeable stretching sheet .We have used zero mass flux boundary condition revised model in this study for controlling nanoparticle volume fractions passively instead of actively at the boundary which makes this study different and unique with respect to existing literature. Silver and Ferrous Oxide particles are used in this investigation. The set of partial differential equation are transformed into system of ordinary differential equations with the help appropriate similarity variables and solved by shooting technique. Influence of flow parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are discussed and visualized through graphs. Important engineering quantities like skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number are tabulated. Results show that hybrid nanofluid enhances heat transfer rate as compared to nanofluid.