“Traffic Signal Synchronization and Simulation using PTV VISSIM”
In today’s scenario the volume of the vehicles is increasing day by day, queue lengths are increasing during peak hours and the journey time also increased. There are two options to tackle with this situation; the first one is by altering the geometry of road like widening of the roads and the second one is by optimizing the various facilities which are available on the roads. Now days in the modern world of computers the advancement is so much that we can stimulate the study area in the simulation tool and analyze the different options which are available with us to optimize the facilities which are available on the roads. One such simulation tool is VISSIM. Here in this tool the network of the study area is prepared. The signal timing is then simulated in the VISSIM.
The aim of the coordinating the traffic signals is to provide smooth flow of traffic along streets and highways in order to reduce travel time, stops and delay. This research was carried out to investigate the benefits of signal coordination by means of traffic microsimulation software, PTV Vissim. After calibrating vissim, signal coordination was performed by executing simulation runs of the prepared model in vissim. The output values of the performance measures, namely delay and travel time were compared to the corresponding values before coordination.