“Qualitative Analysis Of Puttanahalli Lake Water”
Groundwater is a characteristic asset for drinking. Populace development, urbanization and industrialization prompt expanded interest of portable water. Providing safe drinking water to urban and sub-urban community will be a challenge to the engineers. Knowing the importance of water for sustenance of life, the need for protection of water bodies particularly the fresh water bodies is being acknowledged worldwide. Global fresh water is the most worthy human resource, frequently earth is designated "Blue Planet" since water covers about 71% of the globe, but most of the water is saline. Less than 5% of water is fresh and quite a bit of this water is in the ice tops and groundwater. This has posed potential risk across the globe.
Water of appropriate quality is not only necessary for drinking and domestic use applications but also for industrial and agricultural purposes In recent years, the water executives of Lakes generally done by the administration agencies witnessed experimentation by the Lake Development Authority with a constrained public–private sector participation in respect of few lakes, which has proved controversial and resulted in almost a reversal of the policy. This paper discusses the outcomes of a research project conducted to characterize the water quality variation in PuttanahalliLake (JP Nagar, Bangalore, and Karnataka) and the influential parameters such as types of land use. The water quality data for parameters namely pH, Turbidity, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Chloride (Cl-),Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolved Oxygen(DO), Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand(BOD)etc. were analyzed qualitatively