Utilization And Characterization Of One Time Used Waste Plastic As A Fiber In Concrete Base Course
The main purpose of this experimental work is to study and analyze how the one time used waste plastic will be effectively utilized in the construction of the Base layer of cement concrete pavement. In this investigation, we used Plastic Straws and Plastic cups. These onetime used plastics are cut into the dimension to make into a fiber after cutting into pieces it was added with a dry mix concrete with 0%, 0.2, 0.4%, 0.6%, and 0.8% by weight of concrete mould. The studies were carried out on an M15 Mix. For this experiment the test specimen are made in the form of a cube, cylinder, and beams. In this experimental work, two different dimensions of plastic fiber are used and investigate their effects on the mechanical properties of concrete. The use of smaller flattened end plastic fiber improves the strength and workability. The results showed that the addition of one time used plastic fiber in concrete increases the compressive strength, split tensile strength, and flexural strength. The results and mix design adopted in this project for base course is M15 grade concrete with DLC replacement.