Treatment Of Landfill Leachate By Using Nano Particals Of Titanium Oxide
Landfilling of solid waste is the most common method of disposing followed across the world. Landfill however generates huge quantity of leachate. Leachate is defined as the liquid formed when the solid waste comes in contact with moisture present and contains large amount of contaminants which are very harmful to living beings as well as environment. Nanotechnology has the efficiency in removing contaminants present in water including heavy metals eg ( cadmium, arsenic, copper, lead, Mercury, nickel, zinc etc ). Nanoparticles attract water and are repellent towards impurities and also repel organic matter and bacteria. Titanium dioxide or TiO2 has a characteristics that makes it suitable to many different applications. Titanium dioxide nanoparticle or ultrafine titanium dioxide are particles with diameter less than 100nm, they are transparent in nature hence are widely used in production of sunscreen lotion. Ultrafine titanium dioxide nanoparticle has strong absorption against both UV- A and UV- B radiation. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 can be used to decompose impurities in wastewater. The study of titanium dioxide on leachate as treatment is
observed and the results are obtained by conducting an experiment.