The Bacteriological Analysis Of The Groundwater Sources At Doddaballapura, Karnataka State

  • Raghunandan Koppad , Amit S. Dharnaik , Apurva Deshpande , Muhammed Zain


In recent times, The anthropogenic activities and improvement in modern lifestyle has increased the dependency on groundwater. In present work bacteriological studies in Doddaballapura, Karnataka state is carried out. Groundwater samples collected from 5 different bore well locations. Analytical techniques were adopted as described in the standard methods for the analysis of water and wastewater for physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis of the collected samples. The results obtained were compared with Bureau of Indian Standards applicable for wholesome water to identify the health hazards. The samples were analysed for various parameters like: pH, Conductivity, Dissolved Solids, Total Solids, Nitrates, Sulphate, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride Calcium,  Magnesium, Fluoride, Total Iron, Bicarbonate, Carbonate, Total Hardness, and Bacteriological test. The analysis of water samples reveals that in the study area, most of the water quality parameters like Total Hardness, Chloride content, exceeds the permissible limits. On the basis of both chemical and bacteriological analysis, the water samples are found to be fit for drinking purpose
