Decolorization Of The Textile Wastewater By Electro Coagulation Process Using Stainless Steel As Electrodes
Electrocoagulation method is an advanced technology which is able to treat textile waste water having high COD,TDS, and color efficiency before it is treated further or discharged in to water bodies. And this method is considered as effective method to removal of dyes from colored waste water. The electrochemical cell which has reactor called both anode and cathode. Here in this experiment cathodes were worked in monopolar method by associating anodes to the power supply. Effluents were treated for 10 volts ,20 volts and 30 volts for 20 min intervals until it becomes clear. The results are reported in terms of percentage removal of COD ,color by varying pH and current density, it was observed that increasing the current density will decolorize and reduce the COD percentage by 85% to 90%.