Groundwater Qualitative Analysis of REVA University Campus
The dependence on underground sources of water has increased with the increase in urbanization as well as time. Bore well water needs to be tested for safety before its use. Proper planning will help in finding out the quality of water that is needed in any particular area and will also give solutions for the water related problems in the future. This paper presents about the qualitative analysis of five different bore wells considered in REVA University, Bengaluru. For the quality analysis, the water from the five bore wells is tested for twelve different parameters. The quality of water was tested for the months of February and March. The qualitative analysis of water helps in finding out the characteristics of water which will help in finding out if the water is good for consumption. The test results showed the pH and turbidity values were found to be normal during both the months. The electrical conductivity, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness and alkalinity values were found to be higher for one of the bore wells which is closely located to a sewage treatment plant within the college. The water from the same bore well showed a lower chloride content compared to the other bore wells. The water quality of all the water from all the bore wells after testing were found to be within the permissible limit as per IS standards.