The Place Of Toponyms In Karakalpak Epics: Unity Of Content And Form And Stylistic Functions
In this article it’s told about the use of toponyms in Karakalpak epics putting them into poetic functions by epic performers (zhyrau), the preservation of the unity of content and form, and the use of toponyms in stylistic functions rather than nominal meaning. The cultural heritage of the Karakalpak people shows that this nation is one of the oldest nations. Karakalpaks are one of the richest Turkic peoples in folklore. However, it should be noted that Karakalpak folklore is not sufficiently studied. After all, despite the fact that the Karakalpaks became a nation in the XV century, we can’t say that their worldview was not limited to recent times. The worldview of the Karakalpaks is preserved in its folklore. The role of toponyms in Karakalpak epics is studied in terms of the mastery and improvisation of the performer - zhyrau. The text of the epics describes the function of the toponym in the formation of harmony, its harmonious use with other words by meaning in the poetic rows. It shows the semantic and structural connection of toponyms with other words in the text. Also, use of toponyms in the language of epics in different stylistic - metaphor, synecdoche, simile, animation, and other functions is defined.
Such issues are being studied for the first time in Karakalpak linguo-folkloristics.