Psychological Image In Tetralogy, Artistic Fable And Historical Truth
In this article, the talented writer Mohammed Ali's work "Ulug saltanat" tetralogiya's first Giuseppe "Jahongir Mirzo" refers to the peculiarity of psychological image, artistic fable and historical reality presented in the work. It examines the principles of message chronotopia, artistic confluence and psychological image, attitudes to the research of world and uzbek scientists. On the one hand, the article gives a broad overview of the incurable pain that has left the heart of Jahongir Mirzo, the beautiful image of his beloved colossal and infinite love, on the other hand, the artistic images of folk oral in the work and the issue of mutual proportionality of historical figures are considered. The life concept of Sahibkiron eldest son, who has his own philosophical views on Love and life, has been revealed with great skill inogalogy. Also, with the help of text analysis on the types of artistic conjugation, the scientific and theoretical determination of the priced power of the principles that the writer formulated was achieved. The importance was also attached to the concept of a logically connected plot and composition. In particular, the psychologically tense mood that occurs between a time and b time proved to be manifested in a convincing way in the writer's artistic fable. From the point of view of historical reality, it was clarified that the diverse realities in the artistic work are the product of creative intent.