Impact of Online Teaching in Science Education – Experience of Teachers using Technology for Teaching and Learning Science in Schools
This study is an exploration on the effective use of ‘Online Teaching Strategies’ to teach science
for the students at schools. The research was carried out for a period of 5 weeks at a secondary school
for teaching science. This research is an attempt to understand the approaches and perceptions of
science teachers to teach students online. A sample of 20 school teachers was considered as the overall
population of the study. In order to quantify the data of this research, this study was done based on a
survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was the only instrument used in this study. A survey was
conducted through the questionnaire for 20 school teachers who taught science as their major subject.
Results show that majority of the teachers found the online teaching process challenging and thoughtprovoking. On the other hand, students liked learning science through online mode of education. The
findings of the study also highlight one of the major inferences that technology enhanced teaching can
be incorporated as a part of the curriculum to address students independently and individually.