Autonomous Learning. What Is The Status In Latin American Countries?
Autonomous learning is the ability to self-regulate learning at the pace and style of the student and enhance this condition in a classroom or virtual environment is the challenge of students, teachers and education in any context or educational level, learning to learn. The objective was to systematize the evidence on autonomous learning from 2010 to 2020 in Latin America. For this purpose, 55,239 articles from the Scopus database were analyzed, which, when analyzed under the inclusion and exclusion criteria, through the "and" and "or" algorithms In order to answer these questions, 19 scientific articles were selected, in Spanish and English, in relation to the subject matter, type of document, geography, access, and publisher's restrictions, and which are related to the theme. The articles were selected through the following proposal: What is the scientific evidence on autonomous learning, identifying the theoretical references, educational levels, instruments and conclusions of the authors who published in the Scopus database? The results obtained show that Latin America represents less than 1% in scientific production in the Scopus database, the theoretical reference was Barry Zimmerman, the educational level where autonomous learning is investigated is university, and the most used instrument is the questionnaire and the scale. Concluding that a key piece to achieve the autonomous learning is the autonomy that is achieved with the guide of the teacher from the first years of life