IOT Based Safety Technology

  • Akshay Shelar, Komal Patil, Pallavi Waghmode, Gauri Pawar


While most of the work has been done so far to put the Internet of Things (IoT) into practice, all the
work focuses on resource restricted nodes, rather than connecting existing embedded systems to the
network of Internet of Things (IoT). For elderly people, to develop a reliable surveillance system for
the elderly, the Safety Alert System is used. This scheme proposes an improved safety alert scheme for
the elderly with higher precision, sensitivity and tracking specificity. Elderly, in this job, we use the
protease tool and use Raspberry Pi as a virtual microcontroller for GPS (Global Positioning System).
We will use GSM (Global Mobile Communication System). Implemented a GSM and GPS module to
monitor the place and the GSM module will send a signal to the families and the ambulance service.
The parents can reach the user for emergency assistance, as well as the ambulance
