Safety And Health Management System Public Hospital

  • Selamat Ginting , Johannes Sembiring , Ripai Siregar , Ribka Flora Panjaitan , Andri Lesmana


The research objective was to analyze the relationship of psychological behavior (knowledge and
attitudes), as well as those related to the application of implementation of the Hospital Occupational
Safety and Health Management System. An explanatory research approach was applied in Hospital of
Sembiring Deli Tua, Indonesia. The study showed that the implementation of implementation of the
Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Management System (HOSHMS) reached its effectivness was
47, 5%. It concludes that the application of implementation of the Hospital Occupational Safety and
Health Management System (HOSHMS). The knowledge is the most dominant variable with a
coefficient of 0.013 with Exp (B) 4,051 95% CI (1,348-12,175).
