Perception Of Goods And Services Tax: A Study Among Customers With An Analytical Approach
Goods and services tax was introduced and implemented in the year 1954 by France in the
world. After long period it was introduced in Canada in the year 1980. After LPG system came into
force the number of country quite increased to implement of it. The GST Act has been came into force
and implemented from 1st July 2017 onwards throughout India except Jammu & Kashmir. It was also
presented in Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly by Commerce Minister and passed by voice vote. The
inaugural and implementation function of GST was held at center Hall of Indian Parliament by the
government of India at end of midnight on 30th June 2017.As the key factors of this paper covers and
analyzedthe different parameters of GST in the responses of Likert scale value such as rate of tax,
Broaden Tax Base, GST Improve India’s Economy for the Long Run, Increase Cost of living,
Affecting Customers’ Purchasing Power, Tax Revenue Spends for Welfare, Encourage the People to
save their Income and so on, In addition to that this study could also assist the government in their
policy decision making as well as to increase public confidence on Govt. The results, however, could
not be generalized to all customers in India since the study was conducted in Vellore district, Tamil