A Review of Demand Response Opportunities and Challenges for Residential Applications in Smart Grid
Growing energy demands all over the globe and integration of intermittent distributed generations (DG) and impulsive routines of the residential users make the household load demand profile as volatile in nature. Therefore, monitoring the residential loads to control the growing energy demand and additionally balancing of supply-demand with the generation available. The decentralized structure of electricity grid facilitates the provision of Demand Response (DR) from small loads like residential houses or electric powered vehicles have become possible. But, there are nevertheless many demanding situations to the real realization of DR programs for such clients. Based on an in depth survey of the literature, this paper tries to demonstrate on exclusive load scheduling strategies, the characteristic of aggregators in the realization and enlargement of DR in the modern grids. The major security and privacy issues are addressed in network system. The overcharging and over discharging of Electric Vehicles (EVs) are monitored and controlled by the Demand Response Aggregator (DRA) model. The uncertain problems like pricing, load demand variations, EV characteristics and intermittent nature of power sources are taken into a problem formulation technique of aggregator model. DR resources are flexible and better cost effective solution to handle this variability of renewable energy resources. Moreover, ancillary services are provided for grid stability and reliability requirements. Also, clustering of consumers in different groups is necessary for DRA in targeting the program and consumer participation which makes them beneficial in optimizing performance. Reduction of loads is done by shifting of loads, load curtailment, onsite power generation and energy storage systems. This survey reports deals with the demand response implementation, challenges, advantages and analysis in the domestic loads.