Job Satisfaction And Organizational Climate As Correlates Of Employee Strike Propensity: A Study Among Labour Union Members
Strikes are the strategies used by the union or a group of employees in an attempt to force their management or government to meet their demands. Strike occurs when the workers refuse to do their work in the organization. The main purpose of the study is to gauge the influence of job satisfaction and organizational climate on employee strike propensity among labour union members and also to assess the relationship of job satisfaction and organizational climate with employee strike propensity of labour union members. The sample consisted of 116 labour union members from various central government organizations in and around Ernakulum District of Kerala in India. The 24 items employee strike propensity scale developed by Amal and Jayakumar (2020), the 10 items job satisfaction scale developed by Macdonald and Maclntyre (1997) and the 15 items organizational climate scale developed by Peña-Suárez et al. (2013) was used in this study. The regression analyses revealed that 34% of the variance in employee strike propensity was explained by job satisfaction and organizational climate. Further, the results showed a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and employee strike propensity. Employee strike propensity shared a negative relationship with organizational climate.