An Efficient and User Friendly System for Smart Shopping
The Smart Shoppe trolley is an innovative user friendly product that is designed to fasten their shopping work. This proposed market Shopping trolley gets all of the purchased product information to the place where the final bill is verified. This significantly reduces the time of purchasing. RF is the major contributing field by which time and efficiency is greatly saved in shopping systems of present day. By keeping the RFID reader on the trolley and RFID tag on the products. It uses a individual unique identification for all the products available in the shopping mall. When sensing a particular product, intimation is sent to the PIC micro controller, through which product information is exactly displayed and finally the bill amount is calculated. Here ultrasonic sensor, IR sensors are utilized to track the consumer like tracking the human and while they move, the IR obstacle sensor is utilized to find the obstacle in the shop. In cases when load crosses the weight limit, message regarding this will be displayed in all sections of the mall.