Rodenticide Effects of Aegiceras corniculatum (Saging-saging) Leaf Crude Extract

  • Manelyn Dela Cerna ,Karina Milagros C. Lim, Flyndon Mark C. Dagalea ,Abel Alejandro U. Flores, Jr., Maria Judy M. Somoray,Olga DG. Unay, Manuela Cecille G. Vicencio


The rodenticidal effects of the saging-saging leaf crude extract were evaluated under laboratory
testing. Methods: A total of 36 mice were used in this study. Each administered by the saging-saging leaf
extract at different concentration level of 50%, 75% and 100%. A commercial rodenticide is used as
positive control. Result: The obtained result revealed that the crude extract of 100% level concentration of
saging-saging caused mortality to the test animals. Conclusion: Therefore, saging-saging leaf crude
extract could be used as rodenticide under laboratory testing.
