Influence of Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction on Employee Green Behavior among IT Professionals
Background/Objectives: The havoc created by the environmental degradation and depletion of natural
resources is at its peak. IT industries have their share of contribution to environmental degradation.
Therefore, it has a social responsibility to reduce environmentally destructive behaviors and protect it
from further damage. Self-efficacy, a sense of confidence with regard to the performance of specific tasks
and job satisfaction which is a positive feeling about one’s job has a significant contribution to engaging
employees in pro-environmental behaviours. The present study tried to unravel the role of self-efficacy
and job satisfaction in promoting employee green behavior (EGB) among IT professionals. Method: An
empirical study was carried out using structured questionnaires. The present study was conducted among
IT professionals working in Ernakulum district, Kerala. With the consent of HR managers of IT firms, the
link of an online survey (Google form) was sent to them which were later forwarded to their respective
employees. A total of 120 respondents participated in the study. After eliminating the outliers, 103 data
was retained for the final analysis. Findings: A significant relationship was pronounced between selfefficacy, job satisfaction and EGB among Indian IT professionals. Self- efficacy and job satisfaction
collectively accounted for 30% of the variance in EGB. Recommendations: Developing self-efficacy and
job satisfaction among employees bound to enhance their green behaviors. Therefore, strategies that
cater to the employees’ needs and providing opportunities to equip them with the necessary skills would
be instrumental to inculcate pro-environmental behaviors among them.