Cost and Financial Benefits of Achieving Green Building: An Overall Overview
Green buildings are one of the key strategies to reduce environmental pollution and create a healthier environment inside and outside of buildings and, generally, the materials used are harmless. Green buildings provide optimal utilization of valuable energy sources such as wind, water, sun and etc. Today the costs of green buildings implementation of green buildings are one of the challenges matters in several countries and this research will helps to find a suitable answer for the following questions. Are green buildings more expensive than conventional buildings or not? And if the answer is yes, how much is the costs increasehow much is the increase in costs? And whatWhat benefits can wecould be achieved? And And is the implementation of green buildings being economically feasible? This study has reviewed the results of recently published literatures about comparing the costs and benefits of green and conventional buildings. According to the results in more than 90% of studies, the incremental cost of green buildings is more than conventional buildings and less than 10% of them, indicate that there aren’t significant cost differences between green and conventional buildings. About Regarding the benefits of green buildings, despite the reduction from 25 up 60% in energy consumption unfortunately, unfortunately, there isn’t considerable support from investors and contractors by governments.