Designing a Training Package "Increasing Awareness of Adolescents to Change Their Attitude toward Substance Abuse"
Objectives: the purpose of this study was to design a training package "increasing awareness of adolescents to change their attitude toward substance abuse. Method: the research project was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group. The population of the study consisted of 390 students from Tehran. The final sample was 60 participants who had the entry criteria to the study. In the next step, 30 subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental group and 30 subjects to the control group. All participates before and after the implementation of the educational package, completed the questionnaire of 25 questions about addiction attitudes that were developed and validated by the researchers. For the experimental group, 24 sessions of group training were held twice a week for 90 minutes. Results: findings show that there is a significant difference between the groups in the individual, environmental and social components of attitude toward addiction. Conclusion: group educational package of increasing adolescents’ awareness has been effective in changing their attitude regarding substance abuse among adolescents.