Fabrication Co-TiO2 Nanoparticles by TCVD for Water Treatment and Desalination
Synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles using TTIP and TTIP+EtOH precursor at 600℃ through chemical precipitation of vapours by heat is studied. Precursor and feed gas (Ar+NH3/Ar) concentration effects, the effect of catalyst on particle growth, thickness and surface roughness on the size and numbers of particles, crystallinity, phase transition and nanoparticles purity are studied using elemental analysis techniques such as EDX, FESEM, AFM and RBS. The results indicate a growth in particle size due to concentration variations in the precursors and addition of ethanol in a manner that allows for the control of nanoparticles initial size through adjustment of these parameters. The results further indicated that ethanol causes a significant increase on particle size and growth. The addition of ammonia to feed gas resulted in a reduction of particle size and titanium dioxide nanoparticles which have applications in desalination and purification of seawater due to their photocatalytic effect, were used to increase the efficiency of RO systems.