Identifying the Factors Affecting Readiness to Accept Internet of Things Technologies in Insurance Industry
The advent of the Internet has provided easy access and relatively cost-effective communication between companies and their customers and provided an opportunity for the use of information technology to support customer service. Internet of things (IoT) is a network system in both wired and wireless connectivities that includes many hardware and software units, such as production management, energy management, agricultural irrigation, e-commerce, logistic management, medical and health services, aerospace research, home automation and construction, infrastructure management, large-scale shipping and loading. Given the fact that the Internet of Things has been widely studied and is increasing, it is necessary that the factors affecting the application and more acceptance of this technology be investigated. To this end, the purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the readiness for accepting technologies of Internet of Things with a qualitative approach. This research, using the grounded theory, presents a model for determining the level of readiness for the acceptance of the Internet of Things. Through interviews, we collected the views of senior managers of communication and information technologies in the country, who directly deal with the technology and the Internet of Things, this product. Maxqda was used to encode and extract the codes. The results of axial coding are observed. 63 initial codes were identified in the form of six main categories: social aspect, cultural aspect, human aspect, technological aspect, financial aspect, managerial aspect, rules and regulations of the state.