Cognitive scheme for energy conservation during delays in MANETs
Bandwidth scarcity has become a major issue in advanced communication age. Due to the lack bandwidth data transmission gets delayed. Due to the delays, a lot of energy is wasted by the nodes of a network. This problem becomes even bigger in a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), where nodes are densely deployed and a lot of data transmission occurs. Working on the same frequency band and limited bandwidth with other nodes causes a lot of congestion and thus delays. Cognitive Radio ad-hoc networks provide a solution to this network scarcity problem by identifying a neighboring (unlicensed) frequency band for data transmission using the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) process. The challenge is to identify the frequency band with holes so that, we do not disturb the Primary User’s communication. To achieve that, a Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) technique is used to sense the presence of PU, as CSS is reliable than standalone Spectrum Sensing (SS) techniques. For final decision making on the presence of PU at the fusion centre (FC) an artificial neural network-based technique with 98.2% accuracy is used. The technique used is scalable to conquer the problems of a dynamic MANET. The results when compared with AODV shows improvement. The delay has been removed by hoping the data on the empty frequency channel identified by the technique. The route and network lifetime have increased significantly. Throughput of the system has also improved system by 2%.